About us / Our Team


Global Project Advisor

Andrew Bates, formerly President of All Hazards Consulting, LLC (AHC), providing Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, and Emergency Management consulting services for public and private sectors since 2006. Mr. Bates has extensive experience working and teaching in the International and domestic emergency management arena for public, private, and academic institutions. He is a retired Plans, Operations, and Medical Intelligence Naval Officer. Mr. Bates is an internationally recognized expert in civil-military affairs and coordination in the Asia Pacific, and South Asian regions. He speaks, writes, and consults on subjects related to international emergency management and humanitarian operations with a wide variety of organizations worldwide, recently specializing in Bio-preparedness and infectious disease outbreaks in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) community. Furthermore, he is also a part of the Global Planning Committee team of Volunteers4Cause, an organization that aims to bring about positive change through volunteerism.

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